Design Engineer



A Greek architect and engineer once said, “Tell me how you build, to tell you who you are”, (“Πες μου πως χτίζεις, να σου πω ποιός είσαι”) – Aris Konstantinidis. Strive for simplicity and embrace your individuality in everything you do and you will fulfill your true potential in life.


Playing soccer, riding motorcycles, cooking and traveling with friends.


Although I come from a line of builders and engineers on both sides of my family when I turned 18 I got into an architecture school, today as if it was predetermined by DNA I’ve become a structural engineer.


H+O Structural Engineering is the expert in structural design and optimization.  We help commercial real estate projects across the nation go smoothly and cost-effectively.

Do you know how much you could be saving on your building structure costs?

We help developers save an average of $800,000 in structure costs per project.

How is that possible? Structure costs are not something structural engineers typically measure, making it impossible for them – and you – to understand the cost implications of each design decision.

Seemingly insignificant design decisions greatly impact the bottom line.

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