45: The Rise of Dellbrook | JKS: CEO Mike Fish’s Path to Leadership in Construction

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 Mike Fish is the President and CEO of  Dellbrook | JKS , a construction management firm based in Massachusetts. With over 18 years of experience in the construction industry, Mike has a strong background in affordable housing and market-rate housing projects. He is known for his ability to overcome conflict and adversity, making him a trusted figure in the industry.

Mike Fish shares his journey in the construction industry, from his early days working on job sites as a teenager to becoming the President and CEO of  Dellbrook | JKS . He emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and the parallels between the construction industry and business. Mike also discusses the culture of Delbrook, which prioritizes teamwork and continuous improvement. The company has experienced significant growth, particularly in the market rate housing sector, and is focused on maintaining a growth mindset while improving in various areas, such as diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Key Takeaways:

  • Continuous learning is crucial in the construction industry, which is constantly evolving.
  • The construction industry is a team game, and success comes from functioning as a team rather than as individuals.
  • Building a strong culture of learning and teamwork is essential for long-term success in the construction industry.
  • The obstacle is the way: Challenges and obstacles are opportunities for growth and resilience.


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Our goal is to help people in the industry identify opportunities for growth by sharing the journey of top performers. There is no one path. Success isn't a straight line. There is something to learn from everyone's story. Let's go!

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